The Whore Media, Like "Our" Government, Always Misleads by Paul Craig Roberts!
(2024-04-20 at 20:22:01 )

The Whore Media, Like "Our" Government, Always Misleads by Paul Craig Roberts!

Washington Post reports that the Republican Speaker of the House got a bipartisan $95 billion dollar "foreign aid bill" passed.

The huge sum goes to Israel, Taiwan, and Ukraine.

It is completely obvious that this is not foreign aid. It is an aid bill for the United States armaments industries. It is the use of American taxpayers incomes to give to these three countries the money with which to pay the United States armaments industries for the weapons they receive.

In other words the American taxpayers are paying for these countries to get America into wars with Iran, China, and Russia.

This is how the Rino Speaker of the House and the Republicans serve us!

"please read here:"

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